Rage Cage

THE Party alternative to Beer Pong... A drinking game that challenges the skills of the players. Rage Cage is the most fun in large groups of 7 or more people! If you are less, just play a round of beer pong 😉

What do you need for Rage Cage?

  • 20x beer pong cups
  • 2x table tennis balls
  • 1x beer pong table
  • A lot of beer


It is important to place the table in such a way that you can easily move around it. That means removing all stumbling blocks. Now how do I set up the cups for Rage Cage?

A cup with liquor is placed in the middle of the table. The other cups are placed in a circle around the filled cup (also filled). It is enough if the cups in the circle are filled to a third. Then you form another circle and fill these cups as well. You repeat this until you have used up all the cups.

How to play?

In Rage Cage, two players always play simultaniously, standing across from the table. Both players take the cup in front of them and drink it at the same time.

Once they have finished their cups, they put the empty cups back on the table in front of them. Now they have to hit the empty cup with a ping-pong ball. The table tennis ball has to touch the table once before it hits the cup. As soon as you hit the cup, the cup is passed to the player on the left.

This happens until the cups are with two players that are standing next to each other. As soon as the player on the left has not yet hit the cup, the cups are placed one inside the other. Now there is only "one" cup left in the game. The player (the one who was chased by the other, but was to slow so that the cups were placed one inside the other) must now empty a cup from the circle so that two cups are in play again.

In that way, the cups are gradually emptied. Finally, you drink the full cup in the middle.

In addition, the following applies to Rage Cage: If the player hits the empty cup directly on the first throw, the cup and ball can be given to anyone in the circle, so you can skip other players and increase the pressure.

JustPong Beerpong Cups

A MUST HAVE for the ultimate party night!